Missions We Support

Adventures in Missions

Emily Molina

Emily grew up attending Rim Church, got a degree in theology, took a mission trip around the world, spent 4 months in Costa Rica, and is now a full-time missionary to Guatemala as part of the Adventures in Missions organization.


Emily Molina

The Bible Tabernacle

The Bible Tabernacle provides food, shelter, and the Good News for homeless and needy people in the Venice, CA area. Residential rehabilitation programs for men, single women, and women with children are extremely successful. The mission also includes a Church, daily Bible study, counseling and resource coordination, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, clothing, and Christmas gifts for needy children.


Peter Hilst

Campus Crusade for Christ

Milt & Carolyn Monell

Rim Church supports Milt and Carolyn Monell, who direct the Campus Crusade Global Prayer Ministry that prays for all CRU projects and activities worldwide, provides prayer training, and administers personal prayer requests for CRU personnel.


Milt & Carolyn Monell

Equipping Leaders International

Ron & Beth Kruis

Ron's primary role with Equipping Leaders International is to train pastors in Kenya in sound doctrine and pastoral leadership, providing these men with teaching and resources they would not have access to otherwise.

Ron & Beth Kruis

Hebrew Christian Witness

Pastor Gil Villalpando and Rachel' Perl are witnessing to Jews in the Inland Empire area through Bible study and prayer meetings, Jewish holiday celebrations, internet ministry, personal contact ministry, and humanitarian aide trips to Israel led by Tom and Jeannie Gronewald.


Pastor Gil Villalpando and Rachel' Perl

Brian and Anna Kleinsasser

Brian and Anna were missionaries with the organization Youth With A Mission for many years. Though they are no longer with YWAM, they continue to exercise their calling and gifts of evangelism and compassion in the Long Beach area. They have developed an evangelistic outreach and love to spend time talking to people about Jesus, mostly on a one-to-one basis in parks, at the beach, and on bike trails. At this time they are able to support their mission work with their own income. We will continue to follow and pray for the Kleinsassers, and plan to fund them again when and if they establish a support procedure.

Brian and Anna Kleinsasser

Mexicali Mission

On-site missionaries include Roberto and Olivia Trasvina. The mission includes a clinic, a Church, and local outreaches. This is Rim Church's short-term mission opportunity in Mexicali, Mexico, four hours south of our location.

Roberto and Olivia Trasvina

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Pierre & Meggie DeMers

Pierre & Meggie DeMers completed translation of the New Testament into the Gwich'in Indian language spoken in central Alaska and western Canada and completed the audio version of that translation. They are now translating the New Testament into the Dene language spoken in Saskatchewan, Canada.


Pierre & Meggie DeMers